Downey School building
learning, science, wonderings
Students, writing, language arts
first grade, teacher, happiness
Student, whiteboard, math, numbers
students, music, stage
fourth grade, students, teacher
student, happiness, music class, music book


Downey School Core Values

Welcome to the Downey Elementary School! Our school is an inclusive K-5 building that provides an excellent education to all students. At Downey School we believe that learning is a partnership between the child, parent/guardian, and Downey School professionals. As a staff, we believe that open and honest communication with parents/guardians is important, and we value the input from parents/guardians. To ensure that Downey School is a safe environment for all students and staff  to take academic/professional risks, we live by the 6 Downey School Core Values:

Courage, Pride, Excellence, Respect, Responsibility, Inclusion

Principal's Message

August 24, 2024


Dear Downey Families,  


Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! I am excited to see staff, students, and Downey families next week. I hope that you were able to enjoy the warm summer weather and hopefully a calmer daily schedule. Downey School was very quiet this summer allowing our custodians to thoroughly clean the building, move furniture, complete repairs, and wax the floors. Also, additional members of the WPS custodial team put a fresh coat of paint in every classroom, office, and the hallways. The building looks great! Please thank our  custodians for their hard work when you see them. 


In this letter, you will find helpful information about some upcoming important dates as well as other useful information. The staff and I will continue to update you throughout the  school year via email. Please take the time to carefully  read through the information below. If you have questions,  please reach out to Administrative Assistant Ami Blaszkowsky at,  classroom teachers, or me. 


Enjoy the last few days of summer! 


Principal Deb Gallagher


Staff Update: Please join me in welcoming the following new staff members to Downey School!

Ms. Ballou-Literacy Specialist

Mr. Knott-Instructional  Assistant

Mrs. Marino-Special Education Teacher

Mrs. Sato-Library Media Specialist

Mrs. Tornatore-PE *started her career in WPS at Downey and is returning! 

Mr. Tratt-Special Education Team Chair

*For a full list of Downey Staff please click HERE


School Hours:

9:00 a.m.-3:20 p.m. *Students can be dropped off at the playground at 8:40 a.m. 

Short Wednesdays-12:00 p.m. dismissal


School Communication:

Please check the  Downey website for the school calendar, upcoming events, and school directory. Please know that we are currently updating this website. 


School Messenger-Most school-wide communication is emailed this way. 


Elementary  Handbook: The handbook can be found on the Downey website. Please take some time to review the handbook and share appropriate information with your child. 


School Dismissal Manager: Your child’s dismissal plan is located in SDM. This online app can be accessed via computer, iPad, and mobile phone. Teachers print daily dismissal reports at 12:00 p.m. each day, so that they know how their students will be dismissed at the end of the day. It is the parent’s responsibility to access SDM to input any changes in their  child’s end of day plan by 10:00 a.m. If you are having difficulty accessing SDM  or are a new Downey family and have not received your login information, please contact Administrative Assistant Ami Blaszkowsky at


Morning Drop Off:

8:40 a.m. drop off at the playground. No earlier please! 

K-2 students lower blacktop area

3-5 students upper blacktop area

No students should be on the structure or on the fields during this time.

Buses and vans drop off in front circle

Parents may drop their children off in the front circle as well. A staff member will greet your child at the car each morning. Students exit the car from the passenger side of the vehicle onto the sidewalk. 

Once in the drop-off line in the front circle, there is NO passing of vehicles to exit the circle, you must follow the line of traffic. 

Please don’t make u-turns in the entrance/exit of the front circle. Follow Downey Street to the end,  make a u-turn on Hawktree Drive, and take a right into the Downey front circle. 

You may also park your car on Downey Street and walk your child up to the playground using the sidewalks. 


End of Day Dismissal Procedure: *NOTE-Caregivers  are not allowed to drive through the front circle to pick up their child during dismissal. 


Extended Day-An announcement will be made for all extended day students to head to the cafeteria to meet the program staff. Please know that attendance is taken when students arrive. Bus Students-Buses will be called in the order that they arrive. When a bus is called, students will head to the front lobby where a staff member greets them and checks them off the bus list. A bus list of students is then handed to the driver. 


Soccer Walkers/Tennis Walkers-K-1 walkers will be called first. A staff member will meet them, take attendance, and then walk them outside to meet up with the caregiver. Staff members remain outside until all students have connected with an adult. If it appears as if a caregiver is running late, the teacher will walk the student(s) to the main office and Ms. Blaszkowsky will call the guardian. 

Once the K-1 walkers are heading outside, students in grades 2-5 will be called and an adult will meet them, take attendance, and walk them outside. 


Parking at Downey School: There is parking available for caregivers and guests on Downey Street, Putting Drive, and Smith Drive. Please be respectful of our neighbor’s lawns and property! 

 Grassy Hill in Front of Downey School and Stone Wall: NO students should be walking up or down the hill during school hours or along the stone wall.  Students have been observed walking up the hill, walking between the parked cars in the front circle, and into the driveway when cars are moving.. This is a very dangerous situation. We are asking all parents to keep an eye on their child and to remind them that walking up the front hill and across the stone wall  is very dangerous. Thank you for your support!

Health Office-All health records need to be delivered to our nurse Ellen Nadeau, before the start of school. Children are not allowed to attend school unless all health records have been submitted. 

Breakfast/Lunch-are available to all students free of charge. Click HERE for lunch menus. 

Breakfast will be available to students in the cafeteria from 8:40-8:55 a.m. When students arrive they can let a staff member know that they are going in to eat breakfast. No breakfast food will be brought to the classrooms. 

 A few dates to mark on your calendars!

August 27 at 2:30-Downey School Open House for grade 1-5. This is a nice opportunity for all students to meet their teacher and say, “hello” to new and old friends! We hope you can join us!


August 28-First day of School for students in grades 1-5. 

Kindergarten Open House will take place from 9:30-11:30 a.m. in the kindergarten classrooms. If possible, please leave younger siblings at home during the K Open House. 


August 29-First day of school for kindergarten students. *This is an early release day for K students only. They will be dismissed at noon. 


August 30 and September 2-NO SCHOOL. Enjoy Labor Day weekend! 


September 3-All K-5 students return to school for a full day. 


September 4-Short Wednesday. All students are released at 12:00 p.m, lunch is only served to students attending the extended day program.  *Click HERE to access the district calendar that will list all the short Wednesdays and No School Days  for the school year. 


September 6-PTO sponsored Welcome Back Picnic 5:00-6:30 p.m. 


September 12-Picture Day! *more details to follow.  


September 18-Early Release for K-5. 12:00 p.m. dismissal


September 19-Elementary Curriculum Night. *more details to follow.


October 2-ALL School Fun Run hosted by the PTO *more details to follow.


Lunch Ordering

PreK - 5 Lunch Menu

Pay online at

Lunch is free for the 2024 - 2025 School Year.

Information to Apply for Free & Reduced Meals (or other fee reduction opportunities) for the 2024 - 2025 School Year:


Forms & Documents

PTO Updates & Information:


The Downey PTO is a non-profit organization that supports our teachers and students. We organize exciting community events, provide essential resources that enhance the educational experience of every student and provide funding for enrichment programs for all students.  


PTO Membership and Directory


Returning Families: To ensure we have the most up-to-date information for your family, please click on the link below to log in and verify your data in Membership Toolkit. 

New Families: Click on the link below to register under "New User" and follow the prompts. Your account will take up to 48 hours to be approved and activated. 


Downey PTO Facebook Page 
Did you know Downey PTO has its own Facebook group page?

Join the Facebook group to get the latest PTO news and updates delivered right

to your news feed! Click here.



Please direct all PTO inquiries to
visit us on twittervisit us on facebook icon

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