Enrolling in the Westwood Public Schools

Below please find the steps to register students in the Westwood Public Schools. If you are interested in registering for Preschool, please call 781-326-7500, x5113. If you are registering for kindergarten please visit our Kindergarten Registration Page.


  1. Complete the Pre-Registration in Westwood Family Connection
  2. Submission of the following required documents and forms will be required:
  3. Upon successful completion of the pre-registration, submission of all forms, verification of residency, and review of immunization records for compliance, student will be assigned to classroom.


Please email Harley Pease at hpease@westwood.k12.ma.us with any questions.


Please note that the District may require that an appointment be made to provide reasonable time to review documents.


Important Information

To register in the Westwood Public Schools, you must be a resident of the Town of Westwood. Review our residency sheet for more information. You may view this file in ArabicChinese, PortugueseRussian, and Spanish.

If you have moved within Westwood, you must submit a Change of Contact Information form.  You may view this file in Arabic, Chinese, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.

If you have moved within Westwood, but outside of the elementary district in which your child currently attends, you must submit an Application for Intra-District Transfer.

Additional Resources

How many elementary schools are in Westwood and how are students assigned?

There are four elementary schools serving children in kindergarten through grade 5. Students are assigned to elementary schools based upon home address.

The School Committee has designated University Station as a “buffer zone” district for elementary students prior to the completion of the Pine Hill School. Families that newly enroll will be assigned to the Pine Hill Elementary School. The district commits to keeping siblings in the same school moving forward.

What are the immunization requirements for school attendance?

Information on Massachusetts immunization requirements are available from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.

Will my child ride the bus to school?

Eligibility for bus transportation is based on whether you live in a "riding zone" or a "walking zone." These zones have been established and adopted by the School Committee. To determine what zone you live in, consult the Town Of Westwood's Graphic Information System map.

Who do I contact with additional questions?

You may contact the Superintendent's Office at 781-326-7500, x1341. You may also contact Harley Pease, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent, at hpease@westwood.k12.ma.us .



Registration Checklist-English
This checklist is beneficial for tracking materials and forms to submit.

Registration Checklist - Arabic

Registration Checklist - Chinese

Registration Checklist - Portuguese

Registration Checklist - Russian

Registration Checklist - Spanish

Proof of Occupancy and Residency

Home Language Survey (English) (Arabic) (Chinese) (Spanish) (Russian) (All other languages.)

Student Records Request Form (English) (Arabic) (Chinese) (Spanish) (Russian

School Bus Transportation Application
If eligible and interested in school bus transportation, complete this form and submit along with a check for the fee.

Free/Reduced Lunch Application



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