In order to meet its mission, your PTO relies on active family participation. There are a wide variety of ways to get involved from serving as a committee member or chair, as a PTO Parent Representative or on the PTO Board.


Many positions involve work done in the evening or by email or phone, while others involve mostly volunteering on-site with your child’s classmates. Some commitments last only a month while others involve a just few hours per month across the school year. All of the work means so much to the students and school!


To help you find a good fit for you and your busy schedule, we’ve included below descriptions of the various committees, Parent Representative positions, as well as board positions. Volunteer and meet the families of your child’s schoolmates. Concerned about over-committing? Job-share with a friend or spouse!




Click here for a complete listing of Deerfield PTO Committees.


Volunteering is easy. Your PTO has created a page on where all Deerfield volunteer opportunities will appear. As new volunteer opportunities open up, they will be added to this page.



Ready to volunteer?

Image and link to sign up to volunteer for the Deerfield PTO.


Have a question about a volunteer opportunity? Email us at



Parent Representatives

Starting in the Fall of 2016, each grade level at Deerfield will have a Parent Representative to the PTO. The goal of this position is to help improve communication and broaden family involvement. To this end, Parent Reps will:

  • Attend PTO Meetings (4 per year)
  • Facilitate communication between the PTO and Parents
  • Help organize parent volunteers for PTO events, including grade specific enrichment events such as author or museum visits
  • Serve on at least one committee (e.g. Deerfield Directory, Art Night, Science Fair, etc)



Executive Board

The Deerfield PTO Executive Board consists of a President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. PTO Executive Board members are voted in during the May PTO meeting and serve one-year terms (June 31 - July 1). Executive Board members can serve in their position for more than one year, if desired. We hope that many members of the Deerfield community will consider being part of this rewarding experience.


To volunteer or to nominate someone you think would make a great board member, please contact us here. The PTO will vote on nominees at the May meeting.

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