Sheehan School Core Four Values

Respect and Not Neglect ♦ Voice the Right Choice ♦ Listen, Learn, Try, Ask Why ♦ School Wide Pride

Principal's Message

June 10, 2024


Dear Sheehan Families, 


As we enter our final week of the 2023, 2024 school year, the Sheehan Staff and I would like to wish all Sheehan families a wonderful and relaxing summer. We would also like to say THANK YOU for your continued support and partnership and for sharing your children with us each day!


Last Thursday evening, we held a very successful Cultural Festival.  It was such a beautiful evening for all of our families.  Thank you to all families who shared their customs, foods, arts, and cultures with us.


Throughout the school year, our students and staff have been fortunate to participate in so many events that have enriched their overall learning experience.  THANK YOU to ALL of our parent volunteers for your efforts, energy, and enthusiasm.


This past winter and spring, students in Grades 3, 4, and 5 participated in a before school Math League.  We had 59 students participate in a very successful and fun Math League season with lots of collaborative math problem solving.


The season ended with a District Wide Math Meet!  42 of our Sheehan students participated!!


3rd grade came in 2nd place of the 4 schools. 


4th grade came in 4th place and 5th grade came in 4th place, but both teams were very close to 3rd place, within 2 points or less!!! Congrats Sheehan Students!!!


A huge THANK YOU to Juliana Belding for coordinating a very rewarding and fun Math League season for our students. 


Thank You to our coaches!


Ned Averill and Shilpa McManus, 3rd grade


Claudia Halaby and Juliana Belding, 4th grade


Erin Colleran and Jimmy Dias, 5th grade


On June 1st,  we had 29 Sheehan students participate in a celebratory 5K Run with Girls on the Run.  Girls on the Run is a program designed to support girls’ physical and emotional health and growth. Our girls get outside, set goals, and move more.   They learn intentional decision making, how to use their own voice, and become confident leaders.  Our girls met two afternoons each week from April to June building upon these skills through running.  


THANK YOU to Lauren Leonard, Erin Colleran, Christy McKenney, and many Westwood High School student volunteers for providing this amazing experience for our girls.  Please see attached picture of our students after their 5K Run on June 1st!  WAY TO GO GIRLS!!!!


Looking ahead to our last week of school, I want to share some reminders.


 Monday, June  10th - Our Grade 5 students will travel to Hale Reservation in Westwood for Team Building activities with their fifth grade peers across town.  All Grade 5 students must bring a bagged lunch with them to school tomorrow.


Tuesday, June 11th - Our Field Day for all students!!!  


 Every student will receive their Field Day T-shirt on Monday in class and will bring it home. Every child wears their Field Day T-shirt to school on Tuesday, June 11th.


Thursday, June 13th - Grade 5 Moving Up Ceremony - 9:30 AM Sheehan Cafeteria.  This ceremony is for our Grade 5 students and their parents.


Friday, June 14th - Last Day of the 2023 -2024 School Year.  Dismissal is at 12:10.


Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Looking forward to seeing our students on Monday.


Thank you again for a wonderful school year!  We truly appreciate all of your support, feedback, and partnership.  Have a wonderful summer. 


Kristen Evans

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Lunch Ordering

PreK - 5 Lunch Menu

Pay online at

Lunch is free for the 2024 - 2025 School Year.

Information to Apply for Free & Reduced Meals (or other fee reduction opportunities) for the 2024 - 2025 School Year:


Forms & Documents


PTA Executive Board


Sarah Herlihy -

Suzanne Insler -



Kate Martucci



Beth O'Malley


Please feel free to contact any member with any questions or concerns. 

PTA Meeting Dates


Thurs, Sept. 27, 2023 - 9:00 AM

Thurs, Nov. 30, 2023 - 6:00 PM

Thurs, Feb.29, 2024 - 9:00 AM

Tues, May 16, 2024 - 6:00 PM



PTA Newsletters


September 2023 Newsletter



Sheehan DEI Committee Info

Please click on this link to learn more about the DEI Committee and how you can become involved.




PTA Announcements

A to Z Connect - Important Update - ACTION REQUIRED

The Sheehan School PTA uses A to Z Connect as our membership platform. 

Please log into the new system to confirm your information. Returning users can use the
previous username/password. New users, please create a new account. Only one
account per family is needed. This website is where families will pay PTA dues,
and purchase items such as apparel for the annual school apparel sale and tickets to the fall
social. We also hope to utilize this site to coordinate other events throughout the year. 
Also, this website is where families can access the student directory. This directory is
accessible to members who have paid membership dues. We anticipate that the
directory will be available in early October. From the website, you can download the
mobile app as well. Please contact Kate Martucci at with any questions or concerns.



Sheehan PTA Facebook Group
Did you know the Sheehan PTA has its own Facebook group page and Instagram Account?
Join to get the latest PTA news and updates delivered right to your news feed!





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