Parents play a vital role in the smooth operation of our many programs and activities. Without their time and effort, many of the supplementary programs we offer would not be as well-organized or adequately funded. If you are not currently involved in one of the many organizations that rely on parental support, please consider joining one of the following: 



  • What is it? The mission of the Westwood High School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is to enrich and support the academic, cultural and social growth of all Westwood High School students, and to promote open communication and foster relationships between the school's mission through various programs, such as teacher grant requests, supplies, student scholarships and other school-wide programs throughout the year. The PTO also publishes the online directory in the fall of each school year.
  • How can I get involved? The PTO is always looking for new members. Please consider supporting the work of the PTO by paying your dues and/or volunteering your time. Go to the PTO website for more details. 
  • How often does it meet? The PTO meets quarterly. Please contact the PTO directly at to confirm dates and times if you would like to attend a meeting.
  • Who can I contact? For more information contact


All-Night Grad Party Committee 

  • What is it? The ANGP is an annual event that offers WHS graduates a safe night to celebrate their graduation. The Committee works for months through each school year to prepare for the annual 10-hour party, which is held at WHS, providing many fun activities through the night of graduation.
  • How often does it meet? The group meets once per month to plan ANGP specifics such as budget, contracts for entertainment and decorating, etc. There are many opportunities to get involved for the night of the event.
  • How can I get involved? The ANGP Committee relies on the hard work of many committed volunteers in the planning of the event throughout the year. Those who cannot commit quite that much time are always welcome to participate as a chaperone on the night of the event, which this year will be held on the night of Sunday, June 2nd. 
  • For general information, email



  • The Westwood Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) is a state-mandated, parent-run group working to promote a network of parents, guardians, and caregivers of children with special needs. In addition, SEPAC partners with the Director of Student Service and the School Committee on policies. We receive input from parents, teachers, providers, and other to encourage understanding, acceptance, and inclusion of all special education students. 
  • Join if you are...
    • Parents and/or guardians of children who receive any type of special education services or accommodations in school, such as an Individualized Education Program (IEP), a 504 accommodation, or out-of-district placement. 
    • Think your child has learning challenges. 
    • Would like to understand or have an interest in the Special Education process. 
    • Parents, educators, or any members of the community who want to learn more!
  • You can learn more about our purpose and procedures on our website:

WHS Site Council

  • What is it? The WHS Site Council is an advisory group to the principal. The group is comprised of teachers, other staff, students, parents, and community members. Specifically, the group provides input on the principal's School Improvement Plan (SIP), meeting each month to receive updates on initiatives related to the SIP. 
  • How often does it meet? The first Tuesday of each month, in the Main Office Conference room.
  • How can I get involved? Each fall, the principal seeks nominations for parent representatives to the WHS Site Council. The election occurs on Curriculum Night, which ordinarily occurs in October.
  • For more information: Look for a mailing at start of each school year asking for nominations.


Friends of Westwood Performing Arts

  • What are they? The goal of the FWPA is to enrich the music and theater education of Westwood students and to expand cultural opportunities for the whole Westwood community.
  • How often does it meet? Meetings are scheduled for the first Tuesday of each month in the Faculty Lounge of the High School, 7:00–8:00 PM. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. See the web site for the meetings calendar.
  • How can I get involved? Parents can participate in many ways: become a member of the FWPA, participate in the planning and committee work of the Friends, volunteer to sell refreshments or tickets at a performance, and more!
  • For more information:


Ad Hoc Committees

  • What are they? From time to time, we convene ad-hoc committees to complete a certain task or to research an initiative. For example, we have convened committees to explore 1:1 computing or to provide input about the school’s mission. 
  • How often do they meet? The committees’ meeting times and frequency can vary depending on the committee itself.
  • How can I get involved? Look for announcements in my newsletter and via e-mail looking for parent participation
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