11/16/15Week of November 16th

Pledge Leaders


Pledge Leaders for Week of November 16th

Shelby McKim
Dennis Papetti
Charles Rooney
Thomas Preti
Brady Phillips



General PTA Meeting, Tuesday, November 17th 9:30 AM

Please join the PTA and me in the Sheehan School Teacher's Room at 9:30 AM for our monthly PTA meeting.


Parent Teacher Conferences - November 18th 

On Wednesday, November 18th, we will be holding afternoon conferences from 1:00 - 3:00 PM.


November Student Council Updates

The Service Project for this month is Turkeys For America.  This is a charity created by Dan and Betsy Nally.  They both went to the Sheehan School!  Your donation will help to buy turkeys and other Thanksgiving foods for families in need.  There is a collection bin in each classroom and your generosity would be greatly appreciated!

The November Spirit Day is PJ Day on Wednesday, November 25th - No slippers please.


Wednesday, November 25th - Dismissal is 12:00 Noon. Please note the time change.


Spelling Bee Info

Calling ALL 3rd, 4th, and 5th Graders!!!  Join us at the Foundation for Westwood Education's 20th Annual Spelling Bee, Friday, January 8th 2016 spelling bee flier.pdf 




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