01/23/23Week of January 23rd
Teaching and Learning Highlight:
In one of our first-grade classrooms, I observed one of their regular "word work" routines. The students followed the teacher's instructions to repeat, blend, delete, and manipulate sounds in words. The practicing of these phonemic awareness skills also incorporated body movements to help students make a stronger connection to their learning. This regular routine supports students' reading and writing, as they apply their phonics knowledge and skills to the unknown words they encounter in books and the words they write in their own compositions.
Early Release Day on Wednesday, January 25th
Wednesday, January 25th will be an early-release day for students. Students will be dismissed at 11:50am and we will not have lunch or afternoon recess during the school day. Students are able to get lunch from school on early-release Wednesdays. They may stop by the cafeteria at dismissal and get a lunch to take home. If students are going to Extended Day, then they will have lunch at the Hanlon School when they arrive and do not need to get a lunch from the Deerfield cafeteria.
Morning Arrival and Dismissal
Here are a few reminders that will help arrival and dismissal run smoothly and safely:
- Please do not drop students off before 8:30am for morning arrival.
- Please do not arrive in the front circle prior to 3:05pm for dismissal.
- Please have a placard with your child’s name, grade, and homeroom teacher clearly displayed in the dashboard or passenger’s side window.
- Please pull forward as far as you can go.
- Please stay in your cars the entire time, if possible. We are happy to help open doors and buckle students’ seat belts.
- Please do not pass the cars in front of you. If there are no students actively getting in or out of a car, then Mr. Baumer or a staff member will stand on the outside of the parked car and wave you past to move the process along as quickly as possible. However, please do not pass a car unless you are directed to do so.
Reminder: January Report Cards
Your child’s report card will be available for you to review through our Aspen/X2 portal on Friday, January 27th. Directions for accessing the report card are linked here. If you need support, you can visit the Aspen self-help site or email our Aspen support team at aspen@westwood.k12.ma.us with questions. Report cards will not be mailed home this year. They are printable through Aspen, should you desire a hard copy.
Reminder: Westwood Youth & Family Services Spring Groups
Westwood Youth & Family Services has shared their Spring group programming for Kindergarten-5th graders. Registration for all Spring groups will open on January 30th and WY&FS will be accepting 8 students per group.
For information about the three Spring groups, please click on the following links:
Below are the online registration links for each group:
- Kindergarten/1st Grade: https://forms.gle/99kwDwyLrdiqvp1S7
- 2nd/3rd Grade: https://forms.gle/4sDXfWmZYMHRmF9p6
- 4th/5th Grade: https://forms.gle/fYHnEW5kXiVh33PEA
School Committee Liaison
Deerfield's School Committee liaison for the 2022-2023 school year is Dori Parmelee. Please feel free to contact Ms. Parmelee if you have any questions or feedback to share regarding the Deerfield Elementary School or Westwood Public Schools.
Dori Parmelee
220 Nahatan Street
Westwood, MA 02090
200 Nahatan Street
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone:781-326-7500 ext.3301
850 High Street
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone:781-326-7500 ext.2336
250 Downey Street
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone:781-326-7500 ext.8386
80 Martha Jones Road
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone:781-326-7500 ext.6321
790 Gay Street
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone:781-326-7500 ext.8424
549 Pond Street
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone:781-326-7500 ext.7100
200 Nahatan Street
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone:781-326-7500 ext.5113