01/02/17Week of January 2nd

Happy Birthday to You


We wish a Happy Birthday to the following students and staff members who celebrated their birthdays over the winter break or are celebrating their birthdays this week at the Deerfield School:


Jaggar DeWolfe
Colleen Murphy
Maria Schotland
Nikolai Schotland
Theodore Brown
Andrew Gong
Daniel Yang
Madeline Brown
Emmett Petrovato
Shunya Moy


Ms. Allen
Ms. MacDonald


Happy Half-Birthday to You


We wish a Happy Half-Birthday to the following students and staff members who will celebrate their birthdays during the first week of July:


Bryce Levesque
Vivian Bean
Ford Laubenstein
Liam Guadagno
Mia Halpin


Ms. Gilman
Mrs. Mangiacotti
Mrs. Giovanangelo


Reminder: No Parking on Deerfield Avenue

I have been contacted by the Westwood Police Department again to inform me that they will be enforcing the "No Parking" on Deerfield Avenue. This means that if you park on the far side of Deerfield Avenue (not the side closest to the school) during the school day, at dismissal times, or during evening events, you may be issued a parking ticket. 


Please park in the designated parking spots at the Deerfield school or in the surrounding area or park on the school side of Deerfield Avenue. Thank you for your cooperation.


Math Workshop for Parents

The last parent math workshop of the academic year will be held on Wednesday, January 11th. It will be at the Downey School starting from 6:00pm - 7:30pm. The topic of this workshop is Fractions


Kindergarten Readiness Information Session (flyer)

If you have a child who will be eligible for kindergarten in the fall of 2017, please read the attached flyer regarding an information session that is being held on Thursday, January 5th from 7:00pm - 8:00pm. This event will take place in the Little Theater at Westwood High School.

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