01/09/17Week of January 9th

Happy Birthday to You


We wish a Happy Birthday to the following students who are celebrating their birthdays this week at the Deerfield School:


Grace Routhier
Conor Chi


Happy Half-Birthday to You


We wish a Happy Half-Birthday to the following students who will celebrate their birthdays during the second week of July:


William Thurmond
Dylan Walsh
Ethan Walsh
Catherine Gay
Reese Pezzuto
Alexander Theofilou
Justin Yamaguchi


Early-Release Day on Wednesday, January 11th

Wednesday, January 11th will be an early-release day for students. Students will be dismissed at 11:25am and lunch will not be served in school.


Reminder: Food Policy at Deerfield

Please remind your children/students that there is no sharing food at Deerfield. This policy is in place for the safety of our students with food allergies and to help maintain a healthy school environment.


Also, please remind your children/students that there is no eating or drinking during morning arrival and recess times, in the hallways, or on the school buses. This helps to maintain the overall cleanliness of all school settings.


Request: Healthy Food at Deerfield

Recently, I have observed an increase in the amount of candy and sugary drinks students have been consuming during the school day. While I recognize that a special treat with a snack or lunch can go a long way towards helping children (and adults!) make it through the day, I also want our students to stay healthy and have the energy they need to learn.


Please help to make sure your children are bringing healthy food to eat during the school day. Also, if your children brings special treats, please remind them not to share those treats with other students. Thank you so much for your help and understanding.


Reminder: No Parking on Deerfield Avenue

I have been contacted by the Westwood Police Department again to inform me that they will be enforcing the "No Parking" on Deerfield Avenue. This means that if you park on the far side of Deerfield Avenue (not the side closest to the school) during the school day, at dismissal times, or during evening events, you may be issued a parking ticket. 


Please park in the designated parking spots at the Deerfield school or in the surrounding area or park on the school side of Deerfield Avenue. Thank you for your cooperation.

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