06/20/23Week of June 19th


Thank You So Much!

Thank you so much to the Deerfield PTO and all of the members of the Deerfield community for your endless partnership and support throughout the 2022-2023 school year. We are truly grateful for all the time, energy, and care you have given to our school. Have a wonderful summer vacation! Thank you so much! 



Message from Interim Assistant Principal, Donna Olson

Interim Assistant Principal for the Pine Hill Elementary School, Donna Olson, has asked me to share the following message with Deerfield families.

To access Donna’s letter, please click on the following link: Greetings to Hanlon and Deerfield Communities



Reminder: Pine Hill Elementary School Moving Plan

Please read the following letter regarding the 2023-2024 timeline and moving plan for the Pine Hill Elementary School that was discussed during last week's Westwood School Committee meeting.


To access the letter, please click on the following link: Letter_Pine Hill Elementary School_Moving Plan_06/09/2023



Reminder: Dismissal on the Last Day of School: Tuesday, June 20th

The last day of school, Tuesday, June 20th, will be an early release day. Dismissal will be at 12:00pm. Students will take their usual transportation home that day, unless otherwise noted in School Dismissal Manager. If you want to make any changes, please enter them in School Dismissal Manager by Friday, June 16th. 



Reminder: 2023-2024 WPS Calendar

The Westwood School Committee has approved the district calendar for the 2023-2024 school year. To access the calendar, please click on the following link: WPS 2023-2024 School Calendar



School Committee Liaison

Deerfield's School Committee liaison for the 2022-2023 school year is Dori Parmelee. Please feel free to contact Ms. Parmelee if you have any questions or feedback to share regarding the Deerfield Elementary School or Westwood Public Schools. 

Dori Parmelee

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