06/05/23Week of June 5th
Pride Month
Each June, WPS has the opportunity to celebrate Pride Month in recognition of our LBGQT+ students, families, and community members. It is a time for us to affirm our commitment to ensuring a safe and welcoming environment for all children and adults regardless of their age, race, color, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, qualifying disability or religion. One of the many strengths of our community is its diversity.
Please read our attached letter to our school community from Lateefah Franck (Director of Equity, Integration, and Community Partnership), Donna Tobin (SEL Coordinator), and the WPS Equity Leaders: June Pride Month Family Message (Elementary)
Deerfield PTO General Meeting: Thursday, June 15th
The final Deerfield PTO General Meeting of the 2022-2023 school year will be held on Thursday, June 15th at 7:00pm. It will be a virtual meeting. To access the Zoom meeting link, please click on the following link: Deerfield PTO General Meeting
Dismissal on the Last Day of School: Tuesday, June 20th
The last day of school, Tuesday, June 20th, will be an early release day. Dismissal will be at 12:00pm. Students will take their usual transportation home that day, unless otherwise noted in School Dismissal Manager. If you want to make any changes, please enter them in School Dismissal Manager by Friday, June 16th.
Deerfield Community Picnic: Friday, June 9th
This Friday, June 9th, you are invited to the Deerfield Community Picnic. The picnic will take place on the fields behind the Deerfield School beginning at 6:30pm. All members of the Deerfield community are welcome to pack a picnic dinner, a blanket, and lawn chairs and join us for a fun and relaxing evening together.
Reminder: Early Release Day on Wednesday, June 7th
Next Wednesday, June 7th will be an early-release day for students. Students will be dismissed at 11:50am and we will not have lunch or afternoon recess during the school day. Students are able to get lunch from school on early-release Wednesdays. They may stop by the cafeteria at dismissal and get a lunch to take home. If students are going to Extended Day, then they will have lunch at the Hanlon School when they arrive and do not need to get a lunch from the Deerfield cafeteria.
Staffing Update
Deerfield’s School Psychologist, Kristine McDonald, will be taking a leave of absence for the 2023-2024 school year. Please join me in thanking Kristine for her dedication to our school and support of our students, staff, and families. We are in the process of posting the School Psychologist position and will begin the hiring process, as soon as possible.
School Committee Liaison
Deerfield's School Committee liaison for the 2022-2023 school year is Dori Parmelee. Please feel free to contact Ms. Parmelee if you have any questions or feedback to share regarding the Deerfield Elementary School or Westwood Public Schools.
Dori Parmelee
220 Nahatan Street
Westwood, MA 02090
200 Nahatan Street
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone:781-326-7500 ext.3301
850 High Street
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone:781-326-7500 ext.2336
250 Downey Street
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone:781-326-7500 ext.8386
80 Martha Jones Road
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone:781-326-7500 ext.6321
790 Gay Street
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone:781-326-7500 ext.8424
549 Pond Street
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone:781-326-7500 ext.7100
200 Nahatan Street
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone:781-326-7500 ext.5113