03/79/23Week of March 20th


Deerfield STEAM Fair

Deerfield will be having our Annual STEAM Fair on Wednesday, April 12th in the evening. All students in grades K-5 are encouraged to participate. Students will also have the option of working in small groups. Please register your student using the Online STEAM Fair Registration Form. Please register by Friday, March 24th.


There is a Parent Committee in charge of the logistics and our two Librarians, Meg Kara and Katie Burke, are working as staff liaisons. If you have any questions, you can reach out to Meg Kara at mkara@westwood.k12.ma.us or Katie Burke at kburke@westwood.k12.ma.us.



Eddie's Food Drive: March 27th - April 15th

The Deerfield community will participate in Eddie's Food Drive, in honor of Eddie Thomson.

For additional information regarding this annual food drive and requested donation items, please click on the following link: Eddie Thomson Food Drive Flyer



Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences

The spring parent-teacher conferences will be held on the afternoons of Wednesday, March 29th and Wednesday, April 12th and the evening of Thursday, March 30th. Parent-teacher conferences can be held virtually or in-person. Your child’s classroom teacher will communicate how best to schedule a spring parent-teacher conference.



Spring 2022 MCAS Exams

The testing window for the Spring 2022 MCAS exams is March 27th - May 26th. Students in grades 3, 4, and 5 will take two English Language Arts exams and two Math exams. Students in grade 5 will also take two Science, Technology and Engineering exams. 


The MCAS testing begins at Deerfield during the week of March 27th. To access the draft schedules for the Spring 2023 MCAS testing, please click on the following link: 2022-2023_Deerfield_MCAS Schedule_For Families



Early Release Day on Wednesday, March 29th

Next Wednesday, March 29th will be an early-release day for students and the first day of spring parent-teacher conferences. Students will be dismissed at 11:50am and we will not have lunch or afternoon recess during the school day. Students are able to get lunch from school on early-release Wednesdays. They may stop by the cafeteria at dismissal and get a lunch to take home. If students are going to Extended Day, then they will have lunch at the Hanlon School when they arrive and do not need to get a lunch from the Deerfield cafeteria.



Reminder: Deerfield School Play

Many of our students in grades 3-5 have been participating in an afterschool program through KidStock. They have been rehearsing the play Old Monet Had a Fued. Deerfield families are invited to a performance of the play on Monday, March 20th at 5:30pm. The performance will be held in the Deerfield gymnasium. 


An additional performance will be held for Deerfield students and teachers during the school day on Tuesday, March 21st. 



Reminder: March "Picture Book" Madness

March is National Reading Month. To celebrate, we will be kicking off a March "Picture Book" Madness activity at Deerfield over the next several weeks during library class. Our librarians, Ms. Kara and Ms. Burke, along with input from several classroom teachers, have put together a "Sweet Sixteen" of picture books organized into brackets. Books with similar story elements have been paired up and students will read one of the pairs during library class (grade level appropriate), discuss both books, and then vote for the book they prefer.


Many of our library lessons during this time will focus on comparing and contrasting story elements, themes, author's purpose and illustrations - along with reminding students that sometimes it's nice to just read a story for enjoyment.


A bulletin board display with the brackets/book titles will be available for students and families to view and will be updated as the voting process continues and the brackets get smaller. We are looking forward to announcing the overall winner in early April.


Please feel free to reach out to Ms. Kara at mkara@westwood.k12.ma.us with any questions.



School Committee Liaison

Deerfield's School Committee liaison for the 2022-2023 school year is Dori Parmelee. Please feel free to contact Ms. Parmelee if you have any questions or feedback to share regarding the Deerfield Elementary School or Westwood Public Schools. 

Dori Parmelee

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