05/30/16Week of May 30th

Pledge Leaders


Pledge Leaders for Friday, June 3rd who celebrate their birthday this week:

Alessia Chilangwa
Leonardo Chilangwa
Natalie Unger
Rachel Perrone
Ann Cautela
Milani Troncoso


Pledge Leaders for Friday, June 3rd who celebrate their birthday in the first half of July:

Bryce Levesque
Vivian Bean
Liam Guadagno
Mia Halpin
William Thurmond
William Krumsiek
Dylan Walsh
Ethan Walsh
Emery Gay
Reese Pezzuto
Alexander Theofilou
Justin Yamaguchi
Sasha Aljamal
Michael Rosa


Reminder about Classroom Celebrations:


This announcement was originally posted as a Principal's Message on February 29, 2016:

Between now and the end of June, we will have many opportunities to come together to enjoy each other’s company and celebrate the teaching and learning that has taken place at the Deerfield School during the 2015-2016 school year. Many of these events will take place in your child’s classroom where students often share original pieces of work or culminating projects.


In an effort to preserve the intention of these celebrations, students in other classes or grade-levels will not attend their sibling’s classroom celebrations, unless a sibling’s attendance is relevant to the celebration. In those situations, the classroom teachers will arrange that internally with parents prior to the event. In an effort to minimize distractions school-wide, we respectfully ask that parents refrain from going to a classroom to get their child to attend a sibling’s celebration or to visit a child in another grade-level.


Younger siblings, who are not yet Deerfield students, may be invited to attend a classroom celebration. That decision will be made by the classroom teacher planning the celebration and will be communicated to families when the celebration invitations are sent out.


Opportunities for parents to visit their children’s classrooms and celebrate their efforts, growth, and accomplishments are an extremely valuable part of the elementary school experience for both students and their parents. The Deerfield staff members are extremely grateful for the efforts parents make to attend school events. We appreciate your support in helping to make these times a true celebration of your child’s learning.


Deerfield Field Day on Thursday, June 2nd

The Deerfield Field Day will be held on this Thursday, June 2nd. Field Day will begin at 8:30am and will conclude with an all-school pizza lunch from 11:30am - 12:00pm. The PTO will provide snack and lunch to all students on this day. Please remember to send your child to school with sunscreen (already applied), a water bottle, and a hat.

After the Field Day events, the students will spend their afternoon enjoying performances at our Grade 3-5 Talent Show. Parents and guardians of students performing in the Talent Show are welcome to attend. 


80's Spirit Day on Friday, June 3rd

The Deerfield Student Council is sponsoring an 80's Spirit Day on Friday, June 3rd. Students and staff members are invited to come to school in stone-washed jean jackets, parachute pants, jelly bracelets, scrunchies, or anything else that was in style in the 1980's. Be creative and use what you have around the house. Please don't buy anything new and please make sure that all clothing and accessories are appropriate for school.


Deerfield Art Night on Wednesday, June 8th (flyer)


The following message is from the Deerfield Art Teachers regarding the Deerfield Art Night on Wednesday, June 8th from 5:00pm - 7:00pm:

Hello All,

We wanted to formally invite the entire Deerfield School community to the Deerfield Art Show!  On Wednesday, June 8th from 5-7 pm, students artwork from kindergarten to fifth grade will be displayed in the gymnasium. Families and friends are welcome to join in a fun night of art, activities and snacks! 

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Carla Goodwin and Julianne Brill
Deerfield Visual Art Teachers


Donations of School Supplies

Through Monday, June 6th, we will be accepting new or unused school
supplies to donate to Boston Public Schools. This includes pencils, folders, paper, notebooks, binders, colored pencils, crayons, pens, colored markers, etc. Also, if you have old book bags that are no longer being used, those would be greatly appreciated.

There will be a donation box located outside of the main office for students to drop off supplies. Thanks to everyone for their support!!

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