11/07/16Week of November 7th

Happy Birthday to You


We wish a Happy Birthday to the following students and staff member who are celebrating their birthdays this week at the Deerfield School:


Abigail Waters
Giffen Perkins
Oliver Sapak
Emma Namiranian
Emma Charland


Ms. Goodwin


MCAS Dates and Schedule

The testing windows for the Spring 2017 Next Generation MCAS exams have been released. Here is a link to the grade 3-5 schedule for all of the Westwood elementary schools: 2017 MCAS Testing Schedule


Picture Retakes on Tuesday, November 15th

On Tuesday, November 15th, the Coffee Pond Photographers will be at Deerfield to take school pictures for anyone who was absent on Picture Day. If you are not satisfied with your child's photo, Coffee Pond will retake his/her picture on this day, as well. If you would like your child's photograph retaken, please return the original package by Monday, November 14th. Please keep the class photo.


Preschool Vendor Fair (flyer)

The PTO for the Westwood Integrated Preschool is holding a first-ever Vendor Fair at the Preschool on November 16th. Please click on the attached flyer for more information about this fundraising event that will support the Westwood Integrated Preschool.


Dismissal Time for Wednesday Before Thanksgiving

Deerfield will dismiss at 11:35am on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and no lunch will be served on that day.

Please note: As on Early Release Day Wednesdays, there will be NO SEPARATE KINDERGARTEN BUSES and Kindergarten students who ride will be transported to their morning bus stops and those who walk will walk home.


November Precept

I would like to share a precept each month with staff and students. These precepts will consist of powerful quotes or ideas that cause us to think about and help to guide our actions, both individually and when interacting with others. At the end of each month, I will honor any students who have responded to the precept, by sharing his/her thoughts on what it means to them, by asking them to serve as Pledge Leaders.


Our November Precept:

“It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers.” -James Thurber


Project Giving Kids Create the Change 2016

The following thank-you message is from Deerfield parent and Project Giving Kids board member, Wendy Thurmond:

Thank you for your support of Project Giving Kids Create the Change 2016. The Deerfield school was a huge supporter of the event, from the toiletry drive to attending that day. We should all be so proud of our school.

Here is a video you might want to share with the school: video

Warm regards,

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