10/10/22Week of October 10th


Reminder: Early Release Day on Wednesday, October 12th

This Wednesday, October 12th is an early-release Wednesday. Students will be dismissed at 11:50am and we will not have lunch or afternoon recess during the school day. Students are able to get lunch from school on early-release Wednesdays. They may stop by the cafeteria at dismissal and get a lunch to take home. If students are going to Extended Day, then they will have lunch at the Hanlon School when they arrive and do not need to get a lunch from the Deerfield cafeteria.



Reminder: School Picture Day: October 13th

Deerfield's School Picture Day will be held on Thursday, October 13th. The order form for school pictures was sent home with students last week.



Reminder: School Committee Meeting: Thursday, October 13th

The monthly School Committee meeting for October will be held on Thursday, October 13th beginning at 7:00pm at Westwood High School.



Reminder: Deerfield Site Council

We are looking for one or two Deerfield parents to serve on the Deerfield Site Council this year. The Deerfield Site Council is a school advisory group that is composed of parents, teachers, and community members. The council members assist the principal in: 1) Adopting educational goals for the school that are consistent with local educational policies and statewide student performance standards, 2) identifying the educational needs of students attending the school, 3) reviewing the annual school building budget, and 4) discussing a school improvement plan.


The Deerfield Site Council meets monthly throughout the year. Our meetings are usually held on the second Monday of the month from 3:30pm - 4:30pm. Our first meeting of the year will be on Monday, October 17th and will be held virtually. Please contact Mr. Baumer if you are interested in serving on the Deerfield Site Council during the 2022-2023 school year.



PTO Trunk-or-Treat Event: Friday, October 21st

The Annual Deerfield Trunk-or-Treat will be held on Friday, October 21st at 5:00pm. This is a wonderful Deerfield community event. Volunteers decorate the trunks of their cars and Deerfield students and families are invited to wear costumes and trick-or-treat in the parking lot behind the Deerfield School. 


If you are interested in decorating a trunk, please click on the following link: Deerfield School Membership Toolkit



School Committee Liaison

Deerfield's School Committee liaison for the 2022-2023 school year is Dori Parmelee. Please feel free to contact Ms. Parmelee if you have any questions or feedback to share regarding the Deerfield Elementary School or Westwood Public Schools. 

Dori Parmelee

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