10/19/15Week of October 19th

Pledge Leaders


Pledge Leaders for Friday, October 23rd

Patrick Otey
Maximilian O'Brien
Timothy Molloy
Kieran Mahaffey
Alexander Dayton
William Seed


The Ned Show (flyer)

Today, our students and staff members enjoyed a performance of The Ned Show. Thank you so much to Cathy Molloy for arranging this enrichment opportunity for Deerfield. The show's main character NED, teaches students the message Never Give Up, Encourage Others, and Do You Best. The performance came at no cost to the school. Instead, the Ned performers work on a pay it forward system. As you hopefully saw on the flyer that came home last week (also attached above), you may purchase yo-yos for your child. The money is then used to bring the NED program to another school. We will be selling the yo-yos at lunch this week.


Math Workshop for Parents (flyer)

The third parent math workshop of the school year will be held this Wednesday, October 21 from 6:30pm - 8:30pm. The workshop will be held at the Sheehan school. The topic for this workshop is Understanding Multiplication and Division Across the Grades and is geared toward grades 3 through 5.


WY&FS Gift Giving Program (flyer)

Please read the following message from Westwood Youth & Family Services:

We are pleased to announce that planning has begun for our Holiday Giving Program.  Having taken place since 1999, this is a confidential process in which gifts are donated to families who may not be financially able to purchase gifts on their own for the holidays.


The Holiday Giving program is open to any resident of Westwood with children between birth to 18 years old, with no requirements as to the level of the need.  If a Westwood family identifies themselves to us as being in need of this program, we will include them.


If a family is interested in registering for the program they need to contact us directly at  youth@townhall.westwood.ma.us or 781-320-1006. The deadline to register is Monday, October 26th.


Halloween Costumes Collection

We are collecting new or used Halloween costumes to donate to children in need. Please place the costumes in a plastic bag labeled with the costume and size. Please drop the bags in the orange bin in the front lobby of Deerfield. Donations will be accepted through Tuesday, October 27th. 

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