10/23/17Week of October 23rd
Happy Birthday to You
We wish a Happy Birthday to the following student who is celebrating his birthdays this week at the Deerfield School:
William Seed
Early-Release Day on Wednesday, October 25th
Wednesday, October 25th will be an early-release day for students. Students will be dismissed at 11:25am and lunch will not be served in school.
Dessert with the Superintendent
Please join Superintendent Emily Parks for Dessert with the Superintendent on Thursday, October 26th at 6:30pm in the Professional Development Room at Westwood High School. This is an opportunity to discuss your perspective on the district and your hopes and expectations for your children’s experience in school.
Students are welcome to wear orange and black on Tuesday, October 31st. However, students should not wear costumes during the school day on Halloween. If your child’s classroom is having a classroom activity or celebration on Halloween that includes food, please check the food list with our school nurse, Mrs. DeAngelis, prior to the event. Thank you for your cooperation.
SEPAC Event (Flyers)
Please read the attached flyers regarding an upcoming event facilitated by The Westwood Special Education Parent Advisory Council.
Picture Retakes on Thursday, November 2nd
Coffee Pond Photography will be here on Thursday, November 2nd. If you want your child's school picture retaken, please return your original photo package to Mrs. Miller by October 31.
Deerfield Fall Merchandise On Website
Deerfield fall merchandise is now for sale. Pictures of the items and the Order form have been posted to the Forms & Documents section of the Deerfield Website.
Westwood Youth and Family Services Gift Giving Program (flyer)
The following message is from Westwood Youth and Family Services:
We are pleased to announce that planning has begun for our Holiday Giving Program. Having taken place since 1999, this is a confidential process in which gifts are donated to Westwood families who may not be financially able to purchase gifts on their own for the holidays.
We are asking for your assistance in spreading the word about this program and encouraging families that may be need this holiday season to contact our office to learn more about the program.
The Holiday Giving program is open to any resident of Westwood with children between birth to 18 years old, with no requirements as to the level of the need. If a Westwood family identifies themselves to us as being in need of this program, we will include them.
If a family is interested in registering for the program they need to contact us directly at youth@townhall.westwood.ma.us or 781-320-1006. The deadline to register is Friday, November 3rd.
Math Workshop For Parents at Lesley University (flyer)
Please read the attached flyer regarding a workshop on elementary math instruction that is being run by Lesley University.
Reminder: Halloween Costume Drive
Fourteen years ago, a Westwood family bean a Halloween Costume Drive to help children in need. The first year, 25 children received costumes. Through the generous support of our town, 10,000 children, who would not have been able to dress up for Halloween, have had the chance to do so. There are many more children waiting for costumes. Here's how you can make a child smile this Halloween.
Between October 10th - October 29th, bring in a gently used costume labeled in a bag or ask your child to help you choose a new costume for another child who wished for one. Place the costume in one of the bins at any Westwood Public School or at 42 Partridge Drive. All costumes will be distributed throughout the state based on need. For all the children who will smile this year because of your generosity, thank you!
Reminder: Candy Drive (picture)
The following message is from the Wellesley Dental Group regarding their Annual Community Candy Drive:
All Westwood Schools are invited to join Wellesley Dental Group's 10th Annual Community Candy Drive to benefit the U.S. Troops serving overseas. From November 1st to November 8th, we will be collecting candy, handwritten notes and cards for our soldiers.
Our goal is to teach the kids lessons in giving by encouraging them to share their extra Halloween candy with our troops overseas. These sweet treats and the handwritten cards are a reminder of home for these soldiers, and a reflection of our gratitude. The packages will be sent via CarePacks, a non-profit organization, along with oral hygiene supplies.
We are inviting all schools and organizations to participate in our Press Event - November 9th at 10:00 am. Local media and photographers will capture your generous donation. Principals, faculty, parents, and students (with the permission of their teachers, of course) are welcome to attend.
To schedule a candy drop-off, please call (781-237-9071) or email us at candydrive@wellesleydentalgroup.com.
Let's keep this fun tradition going! Thank you!
School Committee Liaison
Deerfield's School Committee liaison for the 2017-2018 school year is Carol Lewis. Please feel free to contact Ms. Lewis if you have any questions or feedback to share regarding the Deerfield Elementary School or Westwood Public Schools.
Carol Lewis, Chair
47 Ellis Street
220 Nahatan Street
Westwood, MA 02090
200 Nahatan Street
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone:781-326-7500 ext.3301
850 High Street
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone:781-326-7500 ext.2336
250 Downey Street
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone:781-326-7500 ext.8386
80 Martha Jones Road
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone:781-326-7500 ext.6321
790 Gay Street
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone:781-326-7500 ext.8424
549 Pond Street
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone:781-326-7500 ext.7100
200 Nahatan Street
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone:781-326-7500 ext.5113