09/06/22Week of September 5th


Deerfield Community Picnic on Friday, September 9th

The beginning-of-the-year Deerfield Community Picnic will be held on Friday, September 9th beginning from 5:00pm - 7:00pm. It will take place on the Deerfield fields behind the school. All community members and their families are invited to pack a picnic dinner and join us to celebrate the start of the school year. The Deerfield PTO has scheduled the Kona ice truck to come to the picnic and has generously covered the cost of the ice cream treats.



Update from the Food Service Department

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has decided to extend free school meals for all students through the 2022-2023 school year! This means that every student is eligible to receive one free lunch each day. You do not have to register your student or pre-order their lunch. Families are encouraged to reach out to Food Services with any dietary restrictions.


To view the online lunch menu, please click on the following link: School Lunch Menu



Bus Code of Conduct

This week, all Deerfield students who ride the school bus in the morning and/or afternoon will bring home the Deerfield Bus Code of Conduct. This document states the Expected and Never Allowed bus behaviors, as well as the sequence of consequences students earn if Never Allowed behaviors occur. Once you have reviewed the behaviors and consequences with your child, please sign the Code of Conduct and return it to school. Thank you for your support in helping to ensure that our bus rides are safe for all students.


To access the document, please click on the following link: 2022-2023_Deerfield_Bus Code of Conduct



Reminder: First Day of School Photos

We would love to include some "first day of school photos" of our students on the Deerfield website. If you are willing to share your photos and have them posted on the Deerfield website, please email them to Mr. Baumer (jbaumer@westwood.k12.ma.us).

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