As of 6/23/22, all Westwood resident COVID-19 cases will be monitored and managed by the Westwood Public Health Department at                 781-320-1027 or you can report positive COVID-19 cases on their     online reporting form


The WPS COVID-19 Testing Programs concluded on Friday 6/10.  

Starting with SY2022 ESY Program, WPS School Nurses will no longer be conducting COVID-19 testing in school settings.  Nurses will conduct a health assessment and determine whether student should be dismissed based on presenting symptoms. If the student meets the criteria listed in the WPS COVID-19 PARENTS’ GUIDE it is recommended that they test for COVID-19 prior to return to school. Testing will continue to be available at public testing facilities, pediatrics offices, or at home with Point of Care Rapid Antigen (RA) tests. In addition, schools have access to a district supply of iHealth RA test kits. Nurses can provide a test kit upon request at dismissal for symptomatic individuals.


Please note: The FDA has extended the expiration date for ALL iHealth rapid antigen test kits. Please use the following online calculator to determine new the expiration date for any test kits currently in your possession. 

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