Bullying is defined as the repeated use by one or more individuals of a written, verbal or electronic expression or a physical act or gesture or any combination thereof, directed at the victim that causes physical or emotional harm to the victim or damage to the victim’s property, places the victim in reasonable fear of harm to himself or of damage to his property, creates a hostile environment at school for the victim, infringes on the rights of the victim at school, or materially and substantially disrupts the education process or the orderly operation of a school.
Cyber-bullying is defined as bullying through the use of technology or any electronic communication, which shall include but is not limited to electronic mail, internet communications, instant messaging, posting on social networking sites, or facsimile communications. Cyber-bullying includes creating a web page or blog in which the creator assumes the identify of another person, the knowing impersonation of another person as the author of posted content or messages, or the distribution by electronic means or communication of messages that meets the definition of bullying above, whether distributed directly or creating a posting that may be accessing by one or more persons.
A Hostile Environment is a situation in which bullying causes the school environment to be permeated with intimidation, ridicule or insult that is sufficiently severe or pervasive to alter the conditions of a student’s education.
Aggressor is a student or a member of school staff including, but not limited to, an educator, administrator, school nurse, cafeteria worker, custodian, bus driver, athletic coach, advisor to an extracurricular activity or paraprofessional who engages in bullying, cyberbullying, or retaliation.
Retaliation against any person who reports bullying, provides information during an investigation of bullying, or witnesses or has reliable information about bullying is strictly prohibited.
220 Nahatan Street
Westwood, MA 02090
200 Nahatan Street
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone:781-326-7500 ext.3301
850 High Street
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone:781-326-7500 ext.2336
250 Downey Street
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone:781-326-7500 ext.8386
80 Martha Jones Road
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone:781-326-7500 ext.6321
790 Gay Street
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone:781-326-7500 ext.8424
549 Pond Street
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone:781-326-7500 ext.7100
200 Nahatan Street
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone:781-326-7500 ext.5113