01/04/16Week of January 4th

Pledge Leaders


Pledge Leaders for Friday, January 8th

Oisin Asaad
Jaggar DeWolfe
Colleen Murphy
Maria Schotland
Nikolai Schotland
Andrew Gong
Nathan Rubin
Daniel Yang
Madeline Brown
Emmett Petrovato


Winter Mini-Courses (reminder)

The schedule and course descriptions for Winter Mini-Courses are now available on the Mini Course Webpage. The committee has added this page to the PTO section of the Deerfield website to make it easy for everyone to find up-to-date information about our Mini-Course programming. In addition to course offerings and registration information, you are able to submit suggestions for future courses, express your interest in volunteering, and email committee members.


I hope you will take a moment to look at what is being offered this winter. There are even course offerings on short Wednesdays! The winter session will run Monday, January 25th through Friday, March 11th. However, the final short-Wednesday class will be Wednesday, March 16th. 

Online registration will open Sunday, January 10th at 8pm and close Sunday, January 17th at 8pm. 


Parking During School Dismissal

I have been notified by the Westwood Police Department that they will begin ticketing cars parked in the "no parking" areas on Deerfield Avenue.


I know that parking is limited at Deerfield. However, please plan to stay in your cars if you are picking your child up after school. If you are planning to stay at school after dismissal please park in any available spaces on the side of the school or on the school side of Deerfield Avenue. Thank you for your cooperation.


Deerfield Field Update

The Deerfield field construction has stopped for the winter. They will finish the project in the spring. Hopefully, we will be able to use the fields in the late spring. 


The walking path between High Street and the school has been reopened. If you or your children use the walking path, please stay off the field and use the walking path around the field's perimeter. We need to stay off the field until the project is completed.


Math Workshop for Parents (flyer)

The last parent math workshop of the academic year will be held on Thursday, January 7th. It will be at the Downey School starting at 6:30pm. The topic of this workshop is Understanding Fractions in Grades 3 through 5


Workshop for Parents (flyer)

On Tuesday, January 12th, author Lynn Lyons will present in Westwood. The title of her presentation is Anxious Kids, Anxious Parents: Interrupting the Worry Cycle at Home and School. The workshop will be held at Westwood High School in the Little Theater from 7:00pm - 9:00pm. All parents and staff members are welcome to attend.


PARCC Testing Dates

Westwood Public Schools will be administering the PARCC exam again this spring to students in grades 3-8. There will only be one testing window this year during which students will have three English Language Arts sessions and four Math sessions.


The testing window for the elementary schools begins on Monday, May 2nd and runs through Friday, June 3rd. The exact testing dates for each grade will be posted to the Deerfield calendar as soon as they are confirmed. Please make every effort to have your children present in school for their assigned testing days. 

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