01/07/19Week of January 7th
Happy Birthday to You
We wish a Happy Birthday to the following students and teacher who celebrated their birthdays last week or are celebrating their birthdays this week at the Deerfield School:
Shunya Moy
Grace Routhier
Conor Chi
Trent Levesque
Mrs. MacDonald
Happy Half-Birthday to You
We wish a Happy Half-Birthday to the following students and staff members who will celebrate their birthdays during the month of July:
Charlotte Pilley
Mary Mae Matthews
Leonardo Zinno
Ford Laubenstein
Liam Guadagno
Madeline McMann
Rafaela Travayiakis
William Thurmond
Thomas Kelleher
Reese Pezzuto
Michael Rosa
Colton Morrell
Paige Ash
Ali El-Zaru
Dylan Lewendon
Nguyen Mai
Katherine Sicular
Eamon Downey
Stella Primpas
Natalie Laslau
Isaac Wu
Sophia Yang
Michael Aljamal
Mrs. Mangiacotti
Ms. Flaherty
Mrs. Waterman
Mrs. McCarty
Mrs. Sullivan
Mrs. Labedz
Mrs. Fergus
Staffing Update
As I have shared previously, Deerfield’s beloved Administrative Assistant, Mrs. Miller, is retiring after 29 years at Deerfield. Her last day will be Friday, February 1st. Please join me in thanking Mrs. Miller for her incredible contributions to the Deerfield school and the positive impact she has had on our community.
I am pleased to announce that I have hired Mrs. Jodi Steverman to be Deerfield’s next Administrative Assistant. There was an impressive pool of candidates and Mrs. Steverman quickly rose to the top during the hiring process. She comes to us from the Westwood Recreation Department where she has been working as an Administrative Assistant. She was also the Administrative Assistant for the Framingham School Committee and a Senior Management for a healthcare company. In addition to her excellent experience and skills, she is also friendly, patient, and loves working with children. While there is absolutely no one who can replace Mrs. Miller, I think Mrs. Steverman will be a valuable addition to the Deerfield community. She will begin on Monday, January 7th, which will give her a few weeks to learn from the master.
Early-Release Day on Wednesday, January 9th
Wednesday, January 9th will be an early-release day for students. Students will be dismissed at 11:25am and lunch will not be served in school.
Family Yoga at Deerfield School
Come explore yoga with your family!
Date: Thursday, January 24th
Time: Session 1: 6:00pm - 7:00pm and Session 2: 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Location: Deerfield Gymnasium
Instructor: Tracy AffonsoWhat is Family Yoga?
It’s like no other yoga class you’ve ever been to! Move together mindfully, while working on flexibility, stability, and steady breathing. Family Yoga is a wonderful opportunity to promote wellness and strengthen the bond between you and your family members.
What Can I Expect?
Lots of movement, laughter, and fun. After warming up with some breathing exercises, we’ll stretch our bodies and minds with Sun Salutations for all levels, partner poses, group poses, fun yoga games, and an easy art project. We’ll end with a calming visualization. Class will be taught by Tracy Affonso, a former elementary school teacher and Deerfield’s yoga and mindfulness instructor.
How do I sign up?
If you are interested in participating in Deerfield's Family Yoga Night, please click the following link: Deefield Family Yoga Night Sign-Up
Unfortunately, Tracy Affonso is only able to accommodate 15 families per yoga session. If more then 15 families sign up, then we will have a lottery to determine the participants for each session.
Please let Mr. Baumer, Mrs. Hardy, or Mrs. Mangiacotti know if you have any questions.
School Committee Liaison
Deerfield's School Committee liaison for the 2018-2019 school year is Carol Lewis. Please feel free to contact Ms. Lewis if you have any questions or feedback to share regarding the Deerfield Elementary School or Westwood Public Schools.
Carol Lewis, Chair
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