03/05/18Week of March 5th
Happy Birthday to You
We wish a Happy Birthday to the following students who are celebrating their birthdays this week at the Deerfield school:
Esme Asaad
Raymond Coppens
Reid Levesque
Charles Martin
Sebastian Rossi
Colin Belcher
Owen Belcher
Ethan Garcia
Spring 2018 MCAS Schedule
Beginning in April, students in grades 3, 4, and 5 will be taking the MCAS Assessment for English Language Arts (ELA) and Math. Fifth-grade students will also take the MCAS in Science and Technology/Engineering. To view the full testing schedule for grades 3 - 5, please click the following link: MCAS Testing Schedule.
No More "Slime" at Deerfield
If your child has been bringing in “slime” to use as a fidget or relaxation tool, please let him or her know that it is no longer allowed at Deerfield. We have recently noticed it has been staining desks, tables, and floor tiles. Also, we have recently found some ground into the hallway and classroom carpets and even stuck to the girls bathroom ceiling. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Reminder: Deerfield Movie Night on Friday, March 9th
The following reminder is from the Deerfield Student Council:
Sponsored by the Deerfield Student Council
Friday, March 9th, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Deerfield’s Annual Movie Night has arrived! Come join your grade-level classmates this Friday and watch…drumroll, please…
K – Minions
1 – Minions
2 – Minions
3 – Minions
4 – Space Jam
5 – Bedtime Stories
If you own any of these movies on DVD and would be willing to let us borrow the movie for the night, please send the movie in with your child this week, or drop the movie off with Mrs. Miller.
Movie Night will be chaperoned by Deerfield staff and is only for students who currently attend Deerfield. This is a drop-off/pick-up event. Please drop-off your child at 5:30 p.m. and pick him/her up at the designated classroom (signs will be posted) at 7:30 p.m.
Students will have the opportunity to purchase snacks, drinks, and raffle tickets for $1.00 starting at 5:30 p.m. All the money raised at movie night will go to help the people of Puerto Rico as the continue to recover from the hurricane.
Students can wear pajamas and bring a sleeping bag or blanket if they choose.
Thank you! We hope to see many Deerfield students there!
Reminder: Upcoming SEPAC Event
Please read the attached flyer regarding an upcoming events hosted the Westwood SEPAC.
To access the flyer about the March Benefits Meeting on Wednesday, March 7th, please link the following link: March Benefits Meeting
School Committee Liaison
Deerfield's School Committee liaison for the 2017-2018 school year is Carol Lewis. Please feel free to contact Ms. Lewis if you have any questions or feedback to share regarding the Deerfield Elementary School or Westwood Public Schools.
Carol Lewis, Chair
47 Ellis Street
220 Nahatan Street
Westwood, MA 02090
200 Nahatan Street
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone:781-326-7500 ext.3301
850 High Street
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone:781-326-7500 ext.2336
250 Downey Street
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone:781-326-7500 ext.8386
80 Martha Jones Road
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone:781-326-7500 ext.6321
790 Gay Street
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone:781-326-7500 ext.8424
549 Pond Street
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone:781-326-7500 ext.7100
200 Nahatan Street
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone:781-326-7500 ext.5113