05/14/18Week of May 14th

Happy Birthday to You


We wish a Happy Birthday to the following students and staff members who are celebrating their birthdays this week at the Deerfield school:

Nathan McClark
James Fortune
William McHugh
Masa El-Zaru
Caroline Nozzolillo
Maria Rahwan
Casey Ogden
Peter Homsy
August Petrovato
Zackary Wallace


Mr. Armstrong



Sending Class Lists for the 2018-2019 School Year 

Please read the attached letter regarding class placement notification for the 2018-2019 School Year:

To access the letter, please click the following link: Deerfield Class Placement Notification Letter



PTO General Meeting: Monday, May 21st at 7:00pm

The final Deerfield PTO meeting of the 2017-2018 school year is scheduled for Monday, May 21st from 7:00pm – 8:00pm. The meeting will be held in the Deerfield gymnasium. All are welcome to attend.



PMC Ride

The following message is from the co-coordinators of this year's PMC ride, Yelena Elman and Sara Mirson:


We are hoping to spread the word about the upcoming Westwood PMC Kids ride. It’s an event for which all rider-raised dollars go directly to the Jimmy Fund/Dana-Farber and towards life-saving cancer research and treatment. Westwood has been among the top 5 rides for fundraising across the state each year and has raised a remarkable $540k+ since it's inception in 2008.


How to get your kids signed-up:

Visit kids.pmc.org/westwood to register and select a course. There are 1-mile, 5-mile and 10-mile loops depending on your child’s ability. You can also sign your child up as a "virtual rider" if you aren't able to make the ride in person on June 10. Children have a fundraising commitment of $30 and are asked to raise money by requesting contributions from family members, friends, and neighbors. A registration fee of $20 ($25 after May 20) is collected from each participant. Each rider who raises $300 or more will be honored as a PMC Kids Heavy Hitter and entered to win a brand new bike! Riders who raise over $800 will be honored as a PMC Kids Breakaway Fundraiser. Both PMC Kids Heavy Hitters and Breakaway Fundraisers will be recognized with a special PMC item and certificate to distinguish their achievement.


It’s a unique event for kids to get involved with. While they get to have fun spending the morning out on their bike with friends, it also teaches them the value of working for the benefit of others and doing their part in helping to give back to those in their community who need their support.


We’ve had the opportunity to get to know some of the kids in Westwood who have gone through cancer treatment and been involved with the ride (pictured - Brett Hobson, Allisa Freiberger, and Alexa Kelly). It's been a wakeup call for us on how lucky we are to have healthy kids, and also a reminder about how amazing our community is, coming together each year to help support those in Westwood (and beyond) who have been affected by cancer.


Sign your kids up to ride today (kids.pmc.org/westwood)! We are also looking for volunteers for the day of the event 6/10 as well as early check-in 6/7. Early registration fee ($20) deadline has been extended to May 20th, after that date the registration fee goes up to $25.


Should you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to Yelena Elman (978) 496-5584 or Sara Mirson (781) 727-9384.



Deerfield School Play - Thank you!

The cast of twenty-two 4th and 5th graders, under the skillful direction of Mrs. Mansour and the support of so many parents and family members, entertained audiences with two spectacular  performances of Freckleface Strawberry. Congratulations on all your hard work and beautiful final product!


Thank you so much to Mrs. Mansour for her hours of on stage and behind the scenes efforts to help the students prepare this wonderful show. Thank you also to Liza Gerber, Jodi Petrucelli, and parent volunteers Mary Proscia, Rebecca Wasynczuk, Janet Ogden, Tara Murphy, Caitlin Walsh, Stephanie Wasserman, Katie Gay, Amy Barnett, Helen Roberts, Michelle Mackin, Sally Vitali, Tracy Routhier, and Ellen Modi. We could not have done it without your help and support!



Teacher Appreciation Week - Thank you!

Thank you so much to Liz Spellman and the PTO for such generous and delicious gifts during Teacher Appreciation Week. The beautiful breakfast and lunch were wonderful "book ends" to the week. The amazing baked goods on Wednesday, provided by Liz Spellman, Nicole, Moses, Zhan Xu, Wendy Thurmond, Maria Temple, Rebecca Wasynczuk, and Deirdre Belcher, kept the Deerfield staff full and happy for the rest of the week. Thank you so much for your generosity and support.



Grade 5 Service Project - Thank you! (community service video)

On Wednesday, May 9th, Deerfield fifth-grade students participated in a community service project through the organization Hospitality Homes. Throughout the afternoon, students displayed teamwork, selflessness, and consideration for others. What a wonderful model for the entire Deerfield community. 


Thank you so much to our fifth-grade students and parents for their hard work and generous donations. Thank you so much to Wendy Thurmond for organizing the community service project with Hospitality Homes. Thank you so much to parent volunteers Cathy Molloy, Wendy Thurmond, Betty DeMaio, Maureen Roycroft and Caitlin Walsh for working with the students to complete this project. 


Please watch the attached video above to learn more about the fifth-grade community service project.



Reminder: Memorial Day Ceremony

On Friday, May 25th, the Deerfield community is invited to attend a special Memorial Day ceremony. The ceremony will begin at 8:45am and will last approximately 30-45 minutes. We will gather around the flagpole in front of Deerfield. The program will include the Pledge of Allegiance, student speakers, and the singing of patriotic songs. In the event of inclement weather, the ceremony will take place in the Deerfield gymnasium.


This year, I invite students to submit a response to the following quote by American educator, author, and Presidential advisor, Booker T. Washington:


"There is no defense or security for any of us
except in the development of the highest intelligence of all."


Students who submit a response by Monday, May 21st will be acknowledged as Pledge Leaders at the beginning of our ceremony. I encourage students to consider their own effort and learning, as well as the ways in which they support the learning of other Deerfield students, in their responses.


I have attached some sample templates that can be printed and used for students' writing and drawing. However, please feel free to use paper and materials you have at home. To access the templates, please click the following link: Memorial Day Responses-2018


I hope you can join us on Friday, May 25th for Deerfield's Memorial Day ceremony.



Reminder: Deerfield Twitter Account

I have created a Twitter account for the Deerfield school (@deerfield_ps). I hope this will be another way to offer a glimpse into the day-to-day workings of our school community. 


I am relatively new to Twitter (meaning, I am old and technology scares me!). I am going to try to send out approximately one Tweet a day during the week. Right now, I am not planning to include student photos in any of my Tweets. However, that may change as the account evolves.


Please feel free to contact me directly (not via Twitter) with any questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding this form of communication.



Reminder: Upcoming SEPAC Event (flyer)

Please read the attached flyer regarding an upcoming event hosted by the Westwood SEPAC. The event is entitled The Neuropsychological Evaluation. Dania Gaffin, Ph.D., will present at this event.


The event will be held in the WPS District Administration Professional Development Room on Wednesday, May 16th at 6:30pm.



Reminder: Jump Rope for Heart: Donating Recess Materials

The Deerfield Student Council is proud to present a new partnership between the Boston Public Schools, the Deerfield School, and the American Heart Association. Vanessa McGunnigle, our American Heart Association representative, has matched the Deerfield school with an anonymous Boston Public School. The students in this school will benefit greatly from donations of clothing and recess equipment.  The Deerfield Student Council is asking students to consider donating their JRFH “Thank You Gifts” of Jump Ropes, T-shirts, and playground balls to this school.


Our PE teacher, Ms. Wine, has placed a donation box (actually, it's a plastic swimming pool) in the main lobby of the Deerfield school. Students interested in donating items may leave them in the pool.


Donating to the American Heart Association for the JRFH fundraiser and/or donating “Thank you gifts” to the Boston Public Schools is entirely optional and is a decision that should be made within your family and with your child(ren).



Reminder: Lost and Found

We have accumulated a large collection of items in our Lost and Found, including many sweatshirts. Please ask your child to check the Lost and Found for their missing clothing and/or please check the Lost and Found when you are at Deerfield.



School Committee Liaison

Deerfield's School Committee liaison for the 2017-2018 school year is Carol Lewis. Please feel free to contact Ms. Lewis if you have any questions or feedback to share regarding the Deerfield Elementary School or Westwood Public Schools. 

Carol Lewis, Chair
47 Ellis Street

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