05/20/19Week of May 20th




Teacher Appreciation Week: Thank You So Much!

Thank you so much to the PTO board and the entire Deerfield parent community for such a fun and creative Teacher Appreciation Week. The raffle items were incredibly generous and provided an excellent opportunity for the entire staff to get together and enjoy each other's company to close out the week.


A special thank you to Liz Spellman and Sachiyo Unger for all of their planning, organizing, cleaning, and setting up of such delicious treats throughout the week!



Deerfield Site Council

The next meeting of the Deerfield Site Council will take place on Monday, May 20th from 3:00pm – 4:00pm. The meeting will be held in the Deerfield office. To access the meeting agenda, please click the following link: Deerfield Site Council Agenda and Minutes-5/20/2019



Kindergarten Information Night and Open House

The Parent Information Night for Incoming Kindergarten families will take place on Tuesday, May 21st at Deerfield from 7:00 - 8:00 PM. The Kindergarten Open House for incoming students will be held on Wednesday, May 22nd from 12:00 - 3:00. 



Grade 5 STE MCAS Testing

The STE MCAS for Grade 4 will take place on Monday, May 20th and Tuesday, May 21st. To access the entire MCAS testing schedule, please click the following link: Elementary MCAS Schedule 2019-Deerfield-Draft



Early-Release Day on Wednesday, May 22nd

Wednesday, May 22nd will be an early-release day for students. Students will be dismissed at 11:25am and lunch will not be served in school.



Final Mindfulness Sessions with Tracy Affonso

On Tuesday and Thursday of next week, Tracy Affonso will visit Deerfield for the final time to lead our students and staff members in mindfulness practices she has helped us build throughout the school year. Thank you to the Deerfield PTO and the Foundation for Westwood Education for funding this Mindfulness initiative. Thank you to Mrs. Hardy and Mrs. Mangiacotti for conceiving of this project, writing the Foundation for Westwood Education grant, communicating the work we have done with the entire Deerfield community, and serving as wonderful ambassadors for the social emotional learning around mindfulness we have begun at Deerfield!



SEPAC Ice Cream Social

Hope you are well! The SEPAC is hosting an ice cream social on June 2nd over at the Downey School playground. It will be a great way for families to connect and have kids spend some energy! Will you please include the attached flyer n your next principal's post? Many thanks!


For more information about this event, please click on the following click: SEPAC Ice Cream Social Flyer



Grade 5 Move Up Ceremony

The Deerfield Move Up Ceremony honoring our graduating fifth-grade students will be held on Tuesday, June 11th at 9:00am. This event will be held in the Deerfield gymnasium.



Reminder: PMC Kids Ride

The 12th annual Kids PMC ride will take place on Sunday, June 23 at 8:30am at the Martha Jones School. The following information is from this year’s co-coordinators, Kathy Morrell and Christina Zinno:


We are hoping to spread the word about the upcoming Westwood PMC Kids ride. It’s an event for which all rider-raised dollars go directly to the Jimmy Fund/Dana-Farber and towards life-saving cancer research and treatment. Westwood has been among the top 5 rides for fundraising across the state each year and has raised a nearly $600k+ since it's inception in 2008.


How to get your kids signed-up:

Visit www.kids.pmc.org/westwood.aspx to register and select a course. There are 1-mile, 5-mile and 10-mile loops depending on your child’s ability. Children have a fundraising commitment of $30 and are asked to raise money by requesting contributions from family members, friends, and neighbors. A registration fee of $20 ($25 after May 20) is collected from each participant. Each rider who raises $300 or more will be honored as a PMC Kids Heavy Hitter and entered to win a brand new bike! Riders who raise over $800 will be honored as a PMC Kids Breakaway Fundraiser. Both PMC Kids Heavy Hitters and Breakaway Fundraisers will be recognized with a special PMC item and certificate to distinguish their achievement. 


It’s a unique event for kids to get involved with. While they get to have fun spending the morning out on their bike with friends, it also teaches them the value of working for the benefit of others and doing their part in helping to give back to those in their community who need their support.

We’ve had the opportunity to get to know some of the kids in Westwood who have gone through cancer treatment and been involved with the ride.  It's been a wakeup call for us on how lucky we are to have healthy kids, and also a reminder about how amazing our community is, coming together each year to help support those in Westwood (and beyond) who have been affected by cancer.


Sign your kids up to ride today (www.kids.pmc.org/westwood.aspx)! We are also looking for volunteers for the day of the event 6/23 as well as early check-in 6/20. Early registration fee ($20) deadline has been extended to May 10th, after that date the registration fee goes up to $25.


Reminder: Bus Registration for the 2019-2020 School Year

Bus registration for next school year is now open! 


To guarantee a seat on the bus, registration and payment must be received by June 30, 2019. In order to register you will need your student's ID number, which can be found on the elementary school lunch invoices or report cards. Please make sure that you enter the grade that your child will be entering next September. Please let Mrs. Steverman know if you have any questions.


To register your child for the school bus, please click the following link: 2019-2020 Bus Registration



School Committee Liaison

Deerfield's School Committee liaison for the 2018-2019 school year is Carol Lewis. Please feel free to contact Ms. Lewis if you have any questions or feedback to share regarding the Deerfield Elementary School or Westwood Public Schools. 

Carol Lewis, Chair
47 Ellis Street

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