11/11/19Week of November 11th


Spring 2020 MCAS Testing Period

The testing period for the Spring 2020 MCAS exams are as follows:


  • English Language Arts: March 30 - May 1
  • Mathematics: April 27 - May 22
  • Science Technology and Engineering: April 28 - May 22


Students in grades 3 - 5 have two ELA and two Math testing sessions. Students in grade 5 have an additional two STE testing sessions. Students only have one testing session per day. The specific testing dates for each grade will be shared as soon as the schedule is finalized. Students who are are absent during a testing session for their grade level will be asked to make up the session as soon as practical after returning to school. Please make every effort to avoid planned student absences during the MCAS testing period.



Friendship Week: November 11th - 17th

A student from the Hanlon School has been working very hard to organize a Friendship Week. She invites us to...


Join the global movement to make the world a friendly and more inviting place. 
Let’s all come together to celebrate friendship, love, care, empathy, and leadership. 
Let’s befriend, spread friendship and celebrate. 


The website she and her family have created includes lots of examples of simple ways to help foster friendships and kindness towards others. I encourage you all to choose an activity (or create your own!) and promote and celebrate friendship with our students throughout the week.


To access the website, please click on the following link: Friendship Week Website



Babson Soccer Clinics

Last Friday, November 8th, members of the Babson College Men's Soccer Team joined us at the Deerfield school. They stayed for all three of our recess periods and lead small-sided soccer games with any student who wished to participate. All the students who played had a wonderful time and showed excellent sportsmanship towards their classmates and the Babson soccer players.


Thank you so much to Mr. and Mrs. McHugh for arranging this special recess event for our students. Thank you so much to Deerfield fourth-grader, Will McHugh, for once again sharing his teammates with us and reminding us of the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship.



Fundraiser for the WHS All Night Grad Party

There will be a McDonald's Fundraiser to support the Westwood High School All Night Grad Party on Tuesday, November 12th between 4:00 - 7:00 PM. 

For more information, please click on the following link: McDonalds Fundraiser Flyer



Early Dismissal on Wednesday, November 13th

Wednesday, November 13th will be early-release days for students. Students will be dismissed at 11:25am and lunch will not be served in school.



Reminder: Dismissal Schedule Before Thanksgiving

Deerfield will dismiss at 11:35am on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving (11/27) and no lunch will be served on that day.



School Committee Liaison

Deerfield's School Committee liaison for the 2018-2019 school year is Carol Lewis. Please feel free to contact Ms. Lewis if you have any questions or feedback to share regarding the Deerfield Elementary School or Westwood Public Schools. 

Carol Lewis, Chair
47 Ellis Street

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