11/12/18Week of November 12th

Happy Birthday to You


We wish a Happy Birthday to the following students and staff members who is celebrating their birthdays this week at the Deerfield School:


Benjamin Levering
Ashton Spellman
Stella Spellman
Olivia Alex


Mrs. Galante, Math Specialist



Staffing Updates

Deerfield’s Grade 4 Teacher, Mrs. Waterman, has begun her maternity leave. Mrs. Agayby will be the long-term substitute in Mrs. Waterman's class. We wish Mrs. Waterman and her family good health and happiness and look forward to her return in early April. 


Deerfield’s Literacy Paraprofessional, Mrs. Miser, is leaving Deerfield. Her last day will be Wednesday, November 14th. Please join me in thanking Mrs. Miser for the wonderful work she has done with our students and the endless support she has provided to our school community for the past 12 years. We will miss her and wish her all the best!


Deerfield’s Administrative Assistant, Mrs. Miller, is retiring. Her last day will be Friday, February 1st. Please join me in thanking Mrs. Miller for her incredible contributions to the Deerfield school and the positive impact she has had on our community. 



Early-Release Day on Wednesday, November 14th

Wednesday, November 14th will be an early-release day for students. Students will be dismissed at 11:25am and lunch will not be served in school.



PTO General Meeting on Tuesday, November 13th

The first Deerfield PTO General Meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 13th from 7:00pm – 8:00pm. The meeting will be held in the Deerfield gymnasium. All are welcome to attend and babysitting will be provided.



Deerfield Site Council

We are still looking for one Deerfield parent to serve on the Deerfield Site Council this year. The Deerfield Site Council is a school advisory group that is composed on parents, teachers, and community members. The council members assist the principal in: 1) Adopting educational goals for the school that are consistent with local educational policies and statewide student performance standards, 2) identifying the educational needs of students attending the school, 3) reviewing the annual school building budget, and 4) discussing a school improvement plan.


The Deerfield Site Council meets monthly throughout the year. Our meetings are usually held on Monday's from 3:00pm - 4:00pm. Please contact Mr. Baumer if you are interested in serving on the Deerfield Site Council during the 2018-2019 school year.


The second meeting of the Deerfield Site Council will take place on Monday, November 19th from 3:00pm – 4:00pm. The meeting will be held in the Deerfield office. To access the meeting agenda, please click the following link: Deerfield Site Council Agenda and Minutes-11/19/2018



Dismissal Time for Wednesday Before Thanksgiving

Deerfield will dismiss at 11:35am on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and no lunch will be served on that day.



Thank You to the PTO for the Outdoor Classroom Shed

The shed for the Deerfield Outdoor Classroom has been delivered and installed. The shed will allow us to store gardening tools and teaching materials used in our school garden and outdoor classroom.


We were able to purchase the shed due to the generosity of the Deerfield PTO. Thank you so much to the PTO Executive Board and all Deerfield parents for ongoing support and generosity. We are so grateful!



Thank You to the Foundation for Westwood Education for the Author Visit Grant

Thanking you so much to the Foundation for Westwood Education! They have funded a grant to bring children's author, Jaqueline Davies, to Deerfield later in the school year. We are incredibly grateful to the Foundation for Westwood Education for supporting the Deerfield school and funding this enrichment opportunity for our students.


A special thank you to Rebecca Wasynczuk for writing and submitting the Jaqueline Davies Author Visit grant and helping to bring Ms. Davies to Deerfield. This will be a wonderful experience for all Deerfield students.



Reminder: MCAS Schedule for Spring 2019 (Elementary MCAS Schedule 2019-Deerfield-Draft)

The Spring 2019 MCAS schedule has been created for the elementary schools. The testing period runs between April 8th - May 21st. As with past years, the testing sessions for each grade-level have been spread out as equitably as possible.


Please be aware that this is a draft schedule and is subject to change. 



Reminder: School Picture Retakes on Thursday, November 15th

If you wish to have your child's school picture retaken, please keep your class photo and return your child's picture package to school. School Picture retakes will take place on Thursday, November 15th. Any student who was absent on the original picture day will also have a picture taken on retake day.



Final Reminder: Candy Drive (Candy Drive 2018 flyer)

The following message is from the Wellesley Dental Group regarding their Annual Community Candy Drive:


All schools, institutions and civic organizations are invited to join Wellesley Dental Group's 11th Annual Community Candy Drive to benefit the U.S. Troops serving overseas. Until Wednesday, November 14th, we will be collecting candy, handwritten notes and cards for our soldiers. These items can be donated in the Deerfield lobby.


Our goal is to teach the kids lessons in giving by encouraging them to share their extra Halloween candy with our troops overseas. These sweet treats and the handwritten cards are a reminder of home for these soldiers, and a reflection of our gratitude. The packages will be sent via CarePacks, a non-profit organization, along with oral hygiene supplies.


To schedule a candy drop-off, please call (781-237-9071) or email us at candydrive@wellesleydentalgroup.com.


Let's keep this fun tradition going! Thank you



School Committee Liaison

Deerfield's School Committee liaison for the 2018-2019 school year is Carol Lewis. Please feel free to contact Ms. Lewis if you have any questions or feedback to share regarding the Deerfield Elementary School or Westwood Public Schools. 

Carol Lewis, Chair
47 Ellis Street

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