11/04/19Week of November 4th

Early Dismissal for the Next Two Wednesdays

The next two Wednesdays (11/06 and 11/13) will be early-release days for students. On those Wednesdays, students will be dismissed at 11:25am and lunch will not be served in school.



Reminder: Picture Retakes: Thursday, November 7th

School pictures were sent home a couple of weeks ago. If you wish for your child to have a retake, please keep your class photo and return your child's picture package by Thursday, November 7th. All student picture retakes will take place on that day. Any student who was absent on the original picture day will also have a picture taken on retake day.



Reminder: 2019 WY&FS Holiday Giving Program

The following message is from Westwood Youth & Family Services:


Hello School and Community Partners,


We are pleased to announce that planning has begun for Westwood Youth & Family Services Holiday Giving Program. Having taken place since 1999, this is a confidential process in which gifts are donated to Westwood families who may not be financially able to purchase gifts on their own for the holidays. 


We are in the fortunate position of having enough donors to this program each year so we are specifically asking your assistance in encouraging families that may be need this holiday season to contact our office to learn more about the program.


The Holiday Giving program is open to any resident of Westwood with children between birth to 18 years old, with no requirements as to the level of the need. If a Westwood family identifies themselves to us as being in need of this program, we will include them.


If a family is interested in registering for the program, they will need to contact us directly at youth@townhall.westwood.ma.us or 781-320-1006. The deadline to register is Monday, November 4th.  


For more information, please click on the following link: 2019 Holiday Giving Flyer


For a short promotional video that WestCAT produced for us on the program, please click on the following link: Holiday Giving Promotional Video


Mary Ellen LaRose

Westwood Youth & Family Services Staff



Reminder: Dismissal Schedule Before Thanksgiving

Deerfield will dismiss at 11:35am on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving (11/27) and no lunch will be served on that day.



Reminder: Candy Drive for the Troops

Please read the following message regarding an upcoming Candy Drive sponsored by the Wellesley Dental Group:


Wellesley Dental Group is excited to announce that the 12th Annual Candy Drive for the Troops is almost here! We'd love to have you participate at our event this year! The School that donates the most amount of candy (by weight) per student will be awarded a $1000 cash prize! 

Candy collection will be held between November 1st - 7th. Candy from this drive will be sent with oral hygiene kits to deployed troops around the world through the non-profit local organization CarePacks

Together, we have donated over 12,000 lbs of candy from 43 different schools and many organizations.



Reminder: Foundation for Westwood Education Spelling Bee


Friday, January 3, 2020
Westwood High School Auditorium
(Snow date: Saturday, January 4, same location and times)
Registration is open
October 12 to November 9


To Register you will need your team name, team member names (3-4 students), parent in charge name and a credit card to complete the registration below.  All grades study the entire list at www.myspellit.com.


Don't forget to design your team t-shirts!

Grade 3:  3:30pm arrival time  GRADE 3 REGISTRATION
Grade 4:  5:15pm arrival time  GRADE 4 REGISTRATION
Grade 5:  6:45pm arrival time  GRADE 5 REGISTRATION
(Exact Times Subject to Change)


Questions?  events@foundationforwestwoodeducation.org



School Committee Liaison

Deerfield's School Committee liaison for the 2018-2019 school year is Carol Lewis. Please feel free to contact Ms. Lewis if you have any questions or feedback to share regarding the Deerfield Elementary School or Westwood Public Schools. 

Carol Lewis, Chair
47 Ellis Street

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