10/21/19Week of October 21st

Kindergarten Math Workshop for Parents

The Elementary Math Specialists are holding a workshop for Kindergarten parents on Tuesday, October 22nd at 9:00am. The workshop will be held at the Hanlon Elementary School and is entitled Understanding Young Mathematicians


For more information on this workshop, please click on the following link: Westwood Kindergarten Parent Workshop: Understanding Young Mathematicians



Deerfield Lockdown Drill on Wednesday, October 23rd

As I shared in my August letter to Deerfield families, we have many safety measures in place at Deerfield and across the entire Westwood Public Schools district. One of those measures is to practice building evacuations and lockdown drills several times each year. These drills are supervised and facilitated by the Westwood police and fire departments.


Our first lockdown drill will take place this Wednesday, October 23rd. I will send out a message to all Deerfield families following the drill. Please let me know if you have any questions.



Deerfield Site Council Members and Second Meeting

We are looking for one or two Deerfield parents to serve on the Deerfield Site Council this year. The Deerfield Site Council is a school advisory group that is composed on parents, teachers, and community members. The council members assist the principal in: 1) Adopting educational goals for the school that are consistent with local educational policies and statewide student performance standards, 2) identifying the educational needs of students attending the school, 3) reviewing the annual school building budget, and 4) discussing a school improvement plan.


The Deerfield Site Council meets monthly throughout the year. Our meetings are usually held on Mondays from 3:00pm - 4:00pm. Please contact Mr. Baumer if you are interested in serving on the Deerfield Site Council during the 2019-2020 school year.


The second meeting of the Deerfield Site Council will take place on Monday, October 28th from 3:00pm – 4:00pm. The meeting will be held in the Deerfield office. To access the agenda for our first meeting, please click on the following link: Deerfield Site Council Agenda and Minutes-10/28/2019



16th Annual Ouellette Family Halloween Drive

It is that time of year again! The Ouellette family's Halloween costume drive began 16 years ago. They have increased from 25 donations in Boston the first year to over 15,000 donations throughout New England over the years, to children and families in need with the generous support from our town!


This year, DCF will pick up all collections from the Ouellette's home on the Monday, October 29th. If you are able to bring your costume donations to Deerfield by the end of the day on Friday, October 25th, that would be wonderful!


For more information, please click on the following link: 16th Annual Ouellette Family Halloween Drive 2019 Flyer



Thursday, October 31st

Students are welcome to wear orange, purple, and black on Thursday, October 31st to show school spirit with these festive fall colors. Students should not wear costumes during the school day on Halloween. If your child’s classroom is having a classroom activity or celebration on Halloween that includes food, please check the food list with our school nurse, Mrs. Cucchi, prior to the event. Thank you for your cooperation.



Candy Drive for the Troops

Please read the following message regarding an upcoming Candy Drive sponsored by the Wellesley Dental Group:


Wellesley Dental Group is excited to announce that the 12th Annual Candy Drive for the Troops is almost here! We'd love to have you participate at our event this year! The School that donates the most amount of candy (by weight) per student will be awarded a $1000 cash prize! 

Candy collection will be held between November 1st - 7th. Candy from this drive will be sent with oral hygiene kits to deployed troops around the world through the non-profit local organization CarePacks

Together, we have donated over 12,000 lbs of candy from 43 different schools and many organizations.



Foundation for Westwood Education Spelling Bee


Friday, January 3, 2020
Westwood High School Auditorium
(Snow date: Saturday, January 4, same location and times)
Registration is open
October 12 to November 9


To Register you will need your team name, team member names (3-4 students), parent in charge name and a credit card to complete the registration below.  All grades study the entire list at www.myspellit.com.


Don't forget to design your team t-shirts!

Grade 3:  3:30pm arrival time  GRADE 3 REGISTRATION
Grade 4:  5:15pm arrival time  GRADE 4 REGISTRATION
Grade 5:  6:45pm arrival time  GRADE 5 REGISTRATION
(Exact Times Subject to Change)


Questions?  events@foundationforwestwoodeducation.org



School Committee Liaison

Deerfield's School Committee liaison for the 2018-2019 school year is Carol Lewis. Please feel free to contact Ms. Lewis if you have any questions or feedback to share regarding the Deerfield Elementary School or Westwood Public Schools. 

Carol Lewis, Chair
47 Ellis Street

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