10/07/19Week of October 7th

Spring 2019 MCAS Results and Parent Reports

The Parent Reports containing Spring 2019 ELA and Math MCAS results will be mailed home on Tuesday, October 8th. These reports will only be received by parents of current fourth and fifth grade students at the Deerfield School. 


Please let Mrs. Steverman or Mr. Baumer know if you have not received the Parent Report by Friday, October 11th. Also, please let Mr. Baumer know if you have any questions about the report or would like to discuss your child's results.



No School on Wednesday, October 9th

All Westwood Public Schools will be closed on Wednesday, October 9th in observance of Yom Kippur.



School Committee Meeting on Thursday, October 10th

The monthly School Committee meeting will be held on Thursday, October 10th beginning at 7:00pm at Westwood High School.



Art Seesaw Links and Website

Please read the following message from Deerfield's Art teachers, Mrs. Friberg and Mrs. Miller:


In the Visual Art Classroom, students have created or will create a digital art portfolio through Seesaw. Seesaw is a free app that can be downloaded to your phone or connected through you computer that allows you to stay up to date with your student's current work. At the completion of each project, students post their work throughout the year. In addition, Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Friberg have also created Google Site pages linking curriculum and resources that give additional context to student work.


To access and connect to your student's seesaw portfolio, please click on your child's grade on the attached flyer. To access Mrs. Friberg's and Mrs, Miller's Google Site pages, please click on the links at the bottom of the attached flyer.


To access the flyer, please click on the following link: Specialist Seesaw and Art Website Links



Elementary Building Project

Please read the following updates/announcements from the School Committee regarding the Westwood Elementary School Building Project:


  • This is an important year as we continue in the feasibility/design phase of the Westwood Elementary School Building Project. 
  • This year, we will work with our design team to gather input from the community, consider various project options, and ultimately decide which project to put before the voters. The School Committee is very committed to keeping the community apprised of the process and is very interested in hearing from the community about what is important to you. 
  • To this end, the School Committee is hosting community forums this fall to share information and gather input.
  • Initial Information Presentation and Feedback Session on October 23 and November 4 at 7:00pm at the Thurston cafeteria. (Participants can attend either session.)
  • Education Plan Presentation on December 9 and December 12 at 7pm at the Thurston cafeteria. (Participants can attend either session.)
  • The School Committee will continue community engagement sessions in the spring.
  • The district website has a dedicated page for the Elementary Building Project. On this page you can read all about the project, access any related documents or communications, and follow the process with “real time” updates. You can also subscribe to receive email updates about the project.  
  • We look forward to hearing from the community and answering any questions as we devise a plan to modernize our school facilities to best support community needs and student learning.


Reminder: Foundation for Westwood Education Board of Directors

The Foundation for Westwood Education is actively recruiting volunteers to serve on their Board of Directors. The Foundation for Westwood Education has been incredibly generous with their support of many enrichment opportunities, ongoing projects, and new initiatives at Deerfield and all of the Westwood Public Schools. We are truly grateful for their continuous generosity and support.


For more information regarding the Foundation for Westwood Education's volunteer opportunities, please click the following link: Foundation for Westwood Education Board Member Appeal Letter



Reminder: Westwood Youth & Family Services: Upcoming Programs

The following message is from WY&FS regarding upcoming program offerings:



Who:  Westwood residents in 3rd, 4th and 5th grades

When:  November 2019 – April 2020, Wednesdays from 5:15 – 6:15 PM or 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM

Where:  Patricia Carty-Larkin Senior Center, 60 Nahatan Street

What:  The Friends Network program matches young Westwood residents with high school aged residents in 1:1 pairs that meet weekly to engage in games and activities in a relaxed setting. This is a great way for children to engage with a positive role model while forming a special friendship and having fun!

Contact:  Mary Ellen LaRose at (781) 320-1006 or mlarose@townhall.westwood.ma.us

To register, please click the following link: Friends Network Registration 



Who:  Westwood girls in 4th – 6th grade

When:  Fall 2019, Tuesdays from 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Where:  Islington Community Center

What:  These 12-week groups will focus on navigating friendships and cliques, avoiding peer pressure, managing bullying situations, and exploring topics such as body image, confidence and self-esteem.  We utilize art projects, videos and games to help reinforce these important topics in fun and creative ways!

Contact:  Emily Greco, LCSW at (781) 320-1006 or egreco@townhall.westwood.ma.us

To register, please click the following link: Girls Group Registration



Who:  Westwood residents in Kindergarten – 5th grade

When:  Fall 2019 – Spring 2020, one afternoon per week from 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Where:  Islington Community Center; Hanlon, Sheehan and Martha Jones Extended Day programs

What:  These 8-week groups are designed to emphasize the continued development of adaptive social and conflict-resolution skills as well as self-esteem and social confidence. Organized play and drawing activities are used to reinforce weekly topics such as initiating & developing friendships, working cooperatively as a team, appropriate communication, decision-making, as well as appreciating one’s own strengths and the differences of others, etc.

Contact:  Emily Greco, LCSW at (781) 320-1006 or egreco@townhall.westwood.ma.us

To register, please click the following link: Structured Play Groups Registration



School Committee Liaison

Deerfield's School Committee liaison for the 2019-2020 school year is Carol Lewis. Please feel free to contact Ms. Lewis if you have any questions or feedback to share regarding the Deerfield Elementary School or Westwood Public Schools. 

Carol Lewis, Chair
47 Ellis Street


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