In the WPS, we want every student to encounter highly skilled teachers, a culturally relevant curriculum aligned to state learning standards, and an environment of high expectations for academic growth and mastery. For educators, therefore, a commitment to educational equity requires the development of important skills. 


Professional Development


Over the last 3-5 years, the District has provided common professional development experiences across our staff. It’s important that, as a community of educators, we:


  • Develop a shared understanding of equity
  • Become more aware of our own biases and how they may impact student experience
  • Develop a common skill set and common curriculum resources


In addition, the District has provided, and continues to provide, many opportunities for educators who are further along in this work to continue to make progress in their learning and to share their knowledge with colleagues. These opportunities take many forms, including:


  • Summer and after school graduate-level coursework
  • On-site and off-site workshops
  • Book studies
  • Anti-racist and anti-bias teacher groups
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